
Ahio, the son of Abinadab

The Ark was kept at his father Abinadab's house. When King David came to return it to Jerusalem, he and his brother Uzzah escorted it on a cart.

When King David arrived at the house of Abinadab to take the ark of the Covenant out of Baale-judah to Jerusalem, his sons, Ahio and Uzzah, brought it on a new cart. Uzzah and Ahio were driving, and Ahio went before the ark. David and all the house of Israel were making merry before the LORD with songs, lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets, and cymbals. When they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, the oxen stumbled and Uzzah put his hand to the ark and held it, so God struck him down for his error. David was angry, and the place is called Perez-uzzah even still in the days of 2 Samuel. David had it sent to Obed-edom's house for 3 months before realizing he was missing its blessing and had it brought to Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 6)