
Gideon who was also known as Jerubbaal or Jerubbesheth

When Israel forgot the LORD their God, he sold them into the hand of Sisera commander of the army of Hazor, the Philistines, and the king of Moab. They cried to the LORD their sins and idolatry, and He sent Jerubbaal, Barak, Jephthah, and Samuel and delivered them from enemies on every side. (1 Samuel 12:9-11)

His story (Judges 6-8) resembles a hero story, especially for its military heroism.

(The Origin of the Bible: Newly Updated by F. F. Bruce, J. I. Packer, Philip W. Comfort, and Carl F. H. Henry, 2020. The Bible as Literature by Leland Ryken, Page 131-132)