
O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma! Unbound by time, all-binding, grand design, land and skies and seas yearn, finish the Cycle of Eternal Return.

Dogmas are infallible and obligatory beliefs that are binding on all professing Christians. They are nonnegotiable, irrevocable, and absolutely a part of the core tenets of the Catholic faith.

There are four dogmas of Mary:

Mary is the mother of God. This title is unbiblical and misleading.

The immaculate conception of Mary - In 1854, Pope Pius IX established this universal dogma revealed by God under the article of faith titled Ineffabilis Deus (God Ineffable) stating Mary was conceived with being stained by original sin. If you do not accept this, you are condemned by your own judgment. The catechism paragraph 508 states Mary remained pure from sin throughout her life. (23:28)

(Maranatha Bible Church - Chicago's What Do Roman Catholics Believe About Mary? | Pastor Daniel Batarseh (Gospel of Mark Series) -