
Mari-utu, Mari-utu, The Son, the Sun-god, the Sun-god of the gods.

AKA Baal, Marduk, Mari-utu, The Son, the Sun-god

Enuma Elish

He was conceived by Ea and Damkina in Apsu and was adored by his grandfather Anu.

He is the wisest of the wise, the sage of the gods. A nurse reared him and filled him with terror. His figure was well-developed, the glance of his eyes was dazzling, his growth was manly, and he was mighty from the beginning. Anu's heart was filled with joy when he saw his grandson, rendering him perfect.

Marduk's divinity was remarkable, and he became very lofty, excelling them in his attributes. His members were incomprehensibly wonderful, incapable of being grasped with the mind, hard even to look on. He had 4 eyes, 4 ears, flame shot forth as he moved his lips, his ears and eyes took in everything. His figure was lofty and superior to the gods, his limbs were surpassing, and his nature was superior. He was clothed with the aura of the Ten Gods, so exalted was his strength, the Fifty Dreads were loaded upon him.


Bel and the Dragon

Planescape: Torment

Lord Bel is a baatezu overseeing the Blood War. He uses one of Fhjull's horns as a drinking horn.

He has a gallary of skins in Baator, scarred flesh and breathing paintings. The violence of the gallery is great, nearing acceptable levels, but the scars are applied with almost tanar'ric crudity, without any care for maximizing the pain of the recipient. A baatezu artist would be much more devoted to the following the paths of pain across the body. Some of the wounds look like clean kills, others look as if a blind butcher were carving up human steaks. (Fhjull Forked-Tongue)

He may be able to help a mortal regain his mortality. (Trias)