
Yigael Yadin

Member of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. His father is E. L. Sukenik.

Dead Sea Scrolls

In 1949, Athanasius Samuel brought 4 of the Dead Sea Scrolls (including an incomplete Isaiah scroll, the Hymns of Thanksgiving, the War Scroll) from Saint Mark's Monastery to the United States. They toured for a while until being purchased on July 1, 1954 in New York for $250,000 by Sukenik's son for the nation of Israel and sent to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

The Temple Scroll was acquired by Yigael Yadin of the Hebrew University during the Six-Day War in June 1967.

(The Origin of the Bible: Newly Updated by F. F. Bruce, J. I. Packer, Philip W. Comfort, and Carl F. H. Henry, 2020. Texts and Manuscripts of the Old Testament by Mark R. Norton, Page 163, 165)