
Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains might quake at your presence— ... When you did awesome things that we did not look for, you came down, the mountains quaked at your presence. (Isaiah 64:1-3)

The Asbury Revival broke out early February 2023 after a mandatory sermon at Asbury University on Romans 12. No one came forward at the end, but students stayed behind to pray until revival broke out, bringing a continuous 10,000 worshipers into a city of 6,000. There was a 1/2 mile long line to get into the chapel, so people came from out-of-state to watch simulcasts outside. The Salvation Army fed them, as well as lots of sporadic catering. It died down by March, lasting about a month.

I watched some of the livestream. It was like a normal church service, except that it never ended. Nothing fancy, only worship music and random people sharing short messages and prayers. I also watched some youtubers react to it, including a pastor urging Christians to take notice and prepare ourselves for revival and some kind of youtube critic character assassinating the church and its members.

Asbury University is nondenominational but associated with the Wesleyan and Holiness church.

(articles from Feb-Mar 2023)